in confidence

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in confidence

更新时间:2024-06-18 00:58:52

英 [in ˈkɔnfidəns]

美 [ɪn ˈkɑnfɪdəns]

in confidence基本解释



  • 网络解释


1. 信任:in conclusion最后,总之 | in confidence信任 | in consequence因此,结果

2. in confidence是什么意思

2. 悄悄的,秘密的:gain confidence 获得信心 | in confidence 悄悄的,秘密的 = secretly | take sb. into one's confidence 以某人为心腹

3. 秘密地:in conclusion最后,总之 | in confidence秘密地 | in consequence因此,结果

4. 当作秘密:you should have more confidence in yourself 你应该增强自信心. | in confidence 当作秘密 | I am telling you this in confidence 我现在告诉你的这件事情是个秘密 (strict confidence 绝密)

  • 临近词
First, the subject of discussion was the wobble in confidence that has taken place over the past year.(首先,大会讨论的主题是过去一年内商界信心的摇摆不定。)
Don’t pass on things which they have told you in confidence, either.(也不要宣扬他们私下里告诉你的事情。)
Although there was a record plunge in confidence in April, the "Golden Week" holiday in early May produced an unexpected flurry of tourism.(尽管4月的信心指数创下新低,5月初的“黄金周”假日带来了意料之外的旅游热。)
Wrong, because in the depths of the crisis the share prices and borrowing costs of all Banks indicated an almost complete collapse in confidence.(错误,是因为深陷危机中所有银行的股票价格和借贷成本都显示了几乎完全崩溃的信心。)
Or if he had told me the story in confidence, filled with still painful emotion.(抑或他是私底下告诉我这个故事,用痛苦的方式回忆这个故事。)
Firms from those countries were growing in confidence.(这些国家的企业日益自信。)
Well we certainly aren't seeing the stereotypical gender difference in confidence here!(当然我们说的不是私底下那种老一套的性别差异!)
I have confidence in confidence alone, besides which you see, I have confidence in me!(我真的对未来充满信心,除此之外,你还会看到,我对自己充满信心!)
Even if unjustified, such a reduction in confidence might lead to an undesired increase in inflation expectations.(即使这种担心并没有什么道理,市场信心的下降可能导致通胀预期的意外上升。)
I feel I'm building in confidence and hopefully we can do something similar in the next race.(我感觉我建立了自信心,我也希望下战比赛我们能做的同样出色。)
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